菁kids Q&A

菁kids sat down with the Early Childhood education experts we brought over to China and wrote up this Q&A.  

Event at Yale Center, Beijing

I’ll be playing MC this Saturday at the Yale Center here in Beijing for a discussion among four fantastic educational leaders, two local and two from New York.  Here’s the event description:

“The leaders will discuss both Chinese and western opinions on how to raise healthy, happy, creative children. How much should children play, and how much should they study? How can we teach young children to be moral, and what lessons should we teach them? How should parents balance the need for children to enjoy childhood with the need for children to prepare for competitive future realities? What programs exist to promote healthy, vibrant young people?”

Hope those who are in town can join us!

Book Week at YK Pao

A big thanks to Kendra Perkins, Tony DePrato, and all the wonderful hosts at YK Pao.  I had a great time visiting and discussing Kosher Chinese, writing, and life in Guizhou.


Who Will Steal Your Job? (Full Video)

Thanks again to Joseph Lemien, Sino-American Talks, and the Courtyard Institute for hosting this great event.  Click here to watch the full video.



Who Will Steal Your Job?

On Sunday, I’ll be speaking at the Courtyard Institute here in Beijing at an event hosted by 美中说 and Project 朋友.  The tongue-in-cheek question for the evening is “Who will steal your job in ten years, a graduate from Peking University, or a graduate from Oberlin?”  This question is, of course, a proxy for the larger debate about the value of the Chinese school system and its reliance on high-stakes test, and the western school system and its embrace of the liberal arts.  For a preview of the event, watch this.

What to read if you want to learn more about China

Friends often ask me to suggest some good books on China, particularly during summer.  So here, at the mid-point of the summer, I’ll point people to a good list provided by Project Pengyou.  Enjoy your summer reading!


Why foreigners are fleeing Beijing

Why foreigners are fleeing Beijing

Sure the pollution is apocalyptic, the traffic is unimaginable, the politics Orwellian. . . but it’s still a great place to call home.


East-Meets-West Curriculum Work Continues

East-Meets-West Curriculum Work Continues


Lantern Festival in Beijing

My new post on the Avenues blog.
